ko04330: Notch signaling pathway
Genes annotated with KAAS are mapped onto the ko04330 map with pathview. genes colored in red are conserved in P. vanderplanki.
Orthologs for this pathway
- K02353
- K02599
- K04496
- K04497
- K04498
- EC: E1A/CREB-binding protein
- g12030
- K04505
- K05948
- K06051
- K06052
- K06053
- K06057
- K06058
- K06059
- EC: disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 17
- g2439
- K06061
- K06062
- EC: histone acetyltransferase
- g2225, g2224
- K06063
- K06064
- K06066
- K06067
- EC: histone deacetylase 1/2
- g3585
- K06170
- K06171
- K06172
- K09091
- K20994
- K23616