This gene g5739 is located on chr_2: 11467084..11476363 (- strand)
This has not been named
The exon-intron structure of all isoforms are indicated below. CDS regions are colored in green. TSS and TTs that were predicted with CTR-Seq data are indicated in solid circle and squares, respectively.
This gene has too many mapped pathways (>3). Please look at the original KEGG entry above for pathway visualization.
The Orthogroup for the longest transcript (g5739.t3) is OG0000300. Other genes in this orthogroup contains the following. This list is ordered by phylogeny determined by OrthoFinder analysis. Genes from ENSEMBL are linked to their corresponding pages. For P. nubifer and P. vanderplanki, they are linked to the Midgebase1 and Midgebase2 pages.
Organism | Abb. ID | No. Orthologs | Ortholog ID |
Atta cephalotes | ACEPH | 3 | XP_012056292.1, XP_012055652.1, XP_012054957.1 |
Apis mellifera | AMELL | 4 | GB47005-PA, GB44787-PA, GB44402-PA, GB45511-PA |
Culicoides sonorensis | CSONO | 0 | none |
Polypedilum nubifer | PNUBI | 2 | Pn.08015, Pn.10202 |
Polypedilum vanderplanki | PVAND | 2 | g5739.t3, g10654.t1 |
Polypedilum pembai | PPEMB | 2 | g4004.t1, g5361.t1 |
Belgica antarctica | BANTA | 2 | IU25_05582-mRNA-1, IU25_02980-mRNA-1 |
Clunio marinus | CMARI | 2 | CRK90849.1, CRK93532.1 |
Aedes aegypti lvpagwg | AAEGYL | 3 | AAEL026367-PA, AAEL000600-PA, AAEL008847-PB |
Culex quinquefasciatus quinquefasciatus | CQUINQ | 3 | EDS30330.1, EDS45875.1, EDS27055.1 |
Culex quinquefasciatus | CQUIN | 3 | CPIJ005839-PA, CPIJ017716-PA, CPIJ001571-PA |
Anopheles atroparvus | AATRO | 3 | AATE005346-PA, AATE013620-PA, AATE013757-PA |
Anopheles sinensis china | ASINEC | 2 | ASIC005294-PA, ASIC022131-PA |
Anopheles dirus | ADIRU | 4 | ADIR005078-PA, ADIR004097-PA, ADIR005079-PA, ADIR006857-PA |
Anopheles farauti | AFARA | 3 | AFAF018978-PA, AFAF017944-PA, AFAF006238-PA |
Anopheles epiroticus | AEPIR | 4 | AEPI008968-PA, AEPI011053-PA, AEPI002252-PA, AEPI002251-PA |
Anopheles christyi | ACHRI | 3 | ACHR006613-PA, ACHR005640-PA, ACHR000305-PA |
Anopheles merus | AMERU | 3 | AMEM011809-PA, AMEM004350-PA, AMEM014315-PA |
Anopheles melas | AMELA | 6 | AMEC015639-PA, AMEC008144-PA, AMEC018263-PA, AMEC010322-PA, AMEC013048-PA, AMEC012773-PA |
Anopheles arabiensis | AARAB | 4 | AARA010924-PA, AARA004038-PA, AARA005277-PA, AARA004039-PA |
Anopheles coluzzii | ACOLU | 3 | ACOM026970-PA, ACOM033551-PA, ACOM022638-PA |
Anopheles coluzzii ngousso | ACOLUN | 3 | ACON010283-PA, ACON008678-PA, ACON029558-PA |
Anopheles gambiae | AGAMB | 3 | AGAP029558-PA, AGAP010283-PA, AGAP008678-PA |
Anopheles quadriannulatus | AQUAD | 4 | AQUA011381-PA, AQUA011320-PA, AQUA004845-PA, AQUA011321-PA |
Anopheles minimus | AMINI | 4 | AMIN009473-PA, AMIN009073-PA, AMIN001109-PA, AMIN009472-PA |
Anopheles culicifacies | ACULI | 4 | ACUA026554-PA, ACUA022341-PA, ACUA000186-PA, ACUA027192-PA |
Anopheles funestus | AFUNE | 3 | AFUN003170-PA, AFUN006580-PA, AFUN020157-PA |
Anopheles stephensi indian | ASTEPI | 3 | ASTEI09578-PA, ASTEI11419-PA, ASTEI02009-PA |
Anopheles stephensi | ASTEP | 4 | ASTE009659-PA, ASTE003107-PA, ASTE003108-PA, ASTE002281-PA |
Anopheles albimanus | AALBI | 4 | AALB000926-PA, AALB000111-PA, AALB002939-PA, AALB000110-PA |
Anopheles darlingi | ADARL | 3 | ADAC000831-PA, ADAC002820-PA, ADAC002615-PA |
Drosophila willistoni | DWILL | 2 | FBpp0373833, FBpp0244892 |
Drosophila pseudoobscura | DPSEU | 2 | FBpp0280224, FBpp0335719 |
Drosophila persimilis | DPERS | 2 | FBpp0181462, FBpp0183009 |
Drosophila ananassae | DANAN | 2 | FBpp0115661, FBpp0348596 |
Drosophila melanogaster | DMELA | 2 | FBpp0087596, FBpp0292305 |
Drosophila sechellia | DSECH | 2 | FBpp0197869, FBpp0202604 |
Drosophila simulans | DSIMU | 2 | FBpp0221864, FBpp0321761 |
Drosophila erecta | DEREC | 2 | FBpp0365430, FBpp0142624 |
Drosophila yakuba | DYAKU | 2 | FBpp0259481, FBpp0264291 |
Drosophila virilis | DVIRI | 2 | FBpp0390833, FBpp0229468 |
Drosophila mojavensis | DMOJA | 2 | FBpp0389175, FBpp0169099 |
Drosophila grimshawi | DGRIM | 2 | FBpp0153831, FBpp0411693 |
Lucilia cuprina | LCUPR | 3 | KNC22846, KNC29264, KNC22849 |
Musca domestica | MDOME | 2 | MDOA001462-PA, MDOA012363-PA |
Stomoxys calcitrans | SCALC | 2 | SCAU001422-PA, SCAU015386-PA |
Glossina brevipalpis | GBREV | 3 | GBRI032457-PA, GBRI028341-PA, GBRI032449-PA |
Glossina palpalis | GPALP | 3 | GPPI038441-PA, GPPI027310-PA, GPPI038440-PA |
Glossina austeni | GAUST | 3 | GAUT028447-PA, GAUT015172-PA, GAUT015179-PA |
Glossina pallidipes | GPALL | 3 | GPAI004911-PA, GPAI009264-PA, GPAI004918-PA |
Glossina morsitans | GMORS | 3 | GMOY001468-PA, GMOY010745-PA, GMOY006413-PA |
The Orthogroup for the longest transcript (g5739.t3) is OG0008392. Other genes in this orthogroup contains the following. [This data uses ab initio gene models predicted in Yoshida et al 2022, so most genes are not registered in public databases. Please contact the authors for more information on these data.]
Organism | Abb. ID | Ortholog ID |
Podonomus sp | PODON | TRINITY_DN12644_c0_g1_i10.p1 |
Parochlus steinenii | PSTEI | PSG09829 |
Trissopelopia nemorum | TNEMO | none |
Paraheptagyia tonnoiri | PTONN | TRINITY_DN7088_c0_g1_i1.p1 |
Telmatogeton pecinata | TPECI | TRINITY_DN395_c0_g3_i3.p1 |
Cricotopus draysoni | CDRAY | TRINITY_DN79960_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN110406_c0_g1_i1.p1 |
Clunio marinus | CMARI | CRK93532.1 |
Cardiocladius sp | CARDI | TRINITY_DN12051_c0_g1_i1.p1 |
Belgica antarctica | BANTA | IU25_02980-mRNA-1 |
Kiefferophyes invenustulus | KINVE | TRINITY_DN46392_c0_g2_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN32626_c0_g1_i4.p1 |
Chironomus riparius | CRIPA | none |
Chironomus columbiensis | CCOLU | TRINITY_DN16272_c0_g1_i5.p1 |
Chironomus tentans | CTENT | g1930.t1 |
Chironomus dilutus | CDILU | TRINITY_DN4261_c2_g1_i1.p1 |
Polypedilum nubifer | PNUBI | Pn.08015 |
Polypedilum vanderplanki | PVAND | g5739.t3, g5738.t1 |
Polypedilum pembai | PPEMB | g4004.t1 |
Culicoides sonorensis | CSONO | none |
Aedes aegypti lvpagwg | AAEGYL | AAEL000600-PA |
Anopheles gambiae | AGAMB | AGAP029558-PA |
A heatmap representing isoforms with TPM > 0 in at least one sample. Expression profiles were are clustered based on the spearman correlation