Gene loci information

Isoforms of this gene

  • There are 41 isoforms that are expressed from this gene.
  • The longest transcript is g7303.t1
  • List of isoforms

g7303.t1, g7303.t3, g7303.t7, g7303.t8, g7303.t9, g7303.t10, g7303.t11, g7303.t12, g7303.t13, g7303.t14, g7303.t15, g7303.t17, g7303.t19, g7303.t22, g7303.t23, g7303.t26, g7303.t28, g7303.t30, g7303.t31, g7303.t32, g7303.t35, g7303.t37, g7303.t38, g7303.t40, g7303.t41, g7303.t42, g7303.t47, g7303.t51, g7303.t52, g7303.t53, g7303.t55, g7303.t56, g7303.t57, g7303.t58, g7303.t60, g7303.t61, g7303.t63, g7303.t64, g7303.t65, g7303.t66, g7303.t67

The exon-intron structure of all isoforms are indicated below. CDS regions are colored in green. TSS and TTs that were predicted with CTR-Seq data are indicated in solid circle and squares, respectively.




  • This gene belongs to the following 1 pathways

This gene has too many mapped pathways (>3). Please look at the original KEGG entry above for pathway visualization.

Gene conservation patterns

Diptera wide analysis

The Orthogroup for the longest transcript (g7303.t1) is OG0000236. Other genes in this orthogroup contains the following. This list is ordered by phylogeny determined by OrthoFinder analysis. Genes from ENSEMBL are linked to their corresponding pages. For P. nubifer and P. vanderplanki, they are linked to the Midgebase1 and Midgebase2 pages.


Organism Abb. ID No. Orthologs Ortholog ID
Atta cephalotes ACEPH 3 XP_012061675.1, XP_012055143.1, XP_012060459.1
Apis mellifera AMELL 2 GB46481-PA, GB47247-PA
Culicoides sonorensis CSONO 3 CSON003846-1, CSON002229-1, CSON000835-1
Polypedilum nubifer PNUBI 3 Pn.05999, Pn.15595, Pn.10307
Polypedilum vanderplanki PVAND 3 g14776.t1, g8049.t1, g7303.t1
Polypedilum pembai PPEMB 3 g10507.t1, g13193.t1, g11511.t1
Belgica antarctica BANTA 2 IU25_01903-mRNA-1, IU25_00863-mRNA-1
Clunio marinus CMARI 1 CRL03212.1
Aedes aegypti lvpagwg AAEGYL 3 AAEL025769-PA, AAEL007065-PA, AAEL004913-PA
Culex quinquefasciatus quinquefasciatus CQUINQ 3 EDS41801.1, EDS39083.1, EDS40143.1
Culex quinquefasciatus CQUIN 3 CPIJ004239-PA, CPIJ014206-PA, CPIJ003341-PA
Anopheles atroparvus AATRO 3 AATE018151-PA, AATE002097-PA, AATE001025-PA
Anopheles sinensis china ASINEC 4 ASIC013319-PA, ASIC006002-PA, ASIC013752-PA, ASIC013741-PA
Anopheles dirus ADIRU 3 ADIR009683-PA, ADIR004283-PA, ADIR008508-PA
Anopheles farauti AFARA 3 AFAF020714-PA, AFAF019451-PA, AFAF018539-PA
Anopheles epiroticus AEPIR 3 AEPI000017-PA, AEPI006802-PA, AEPI007970-PA
Anopheles christyi ACHRI 3 ACHR004567-PA, ACHR005535-PA, ACHR003287-PA
Anopheles merus AMERU 3 AMEM010650-PA, AMEM008853-PA, AMEM002071-PA
Anopheles melas AMELA 3 AMEC003499-PA, AMEC001874-PA, AMEC020700-PA
Anopheles arabiensis AARAB 3 AARA004750-PA, AARA009214-PA, AARA000802-PA
Anopheles coluzzii ACOLU 3 ACOM037445-PA, ACOM029014-PA, ACOM031590-PA
Anopheles coluzzii ngousso ACOLUN 3 ACON012014-PA, ACON006890-PA, ACON002931-PA
Anopheles gambiae AGAMB 3 AGAP006890-PA, AGAP012014-PA, AGAP002931-PA
Anopheles quadriannulatus AQUAD 3 AQUA001837-PA, AQUA009274-PA, AQUA005910-PA
Anopheles minimus AMINI 3 AMIN007662-PA, AMIN004439-PA, AMIN000753-PA
Anopheles culicifacies ACULI 3 ACUA004025-PA, ACUA013024-PA, ACUA011709-PA
Anopheles funestus AFUNE 3 AFUN008099-PA, AFUN006373-PA, AFUN011212-PA
Anopheles stephensi indian ASTEPI 3 ASTEI06153-PA, ASTEI04612-PA, ASTEI00049-PA
Anopheles stephensi ASTEP 3 ASTE008512-PA, ASTE007161-PA, ASTE005640-PA
Anopheles albimanus AALBI 3 AALB010244-PA, AALB005706-PA, AALB008191-PA
Anopheles darlingi ADARL 3 ADAC010495-PA, ADAC005911-PA, ADAC003857-PA
Drosophila willistoni DWILL 3 FBpp0242766, FBpp0250034, FBpp0249639
Drosophila pseudoobscura DPSEU 4 FBpp0274997, FBpp0274726, FBpp0285402, FBpp0278173
Drosophila persimilis DPERS 4 FBpp0189285, FBpp0181858, FBpp0188492, FBpp0182511
Drosophila ananassae DANAN 3 FBpp0344204, FBpp0126633, FBpp0126608
Drosophila melanogaster DMELA 3 FBpp0086507, FBpp0088256, FBpp0078222
Drosophila sechellia DSECH 3 FBpp0203080, FBpp0203550, FBpp0194503
Drosophila simulans DSIMU 3 FBpp0209510, FBpp0210451, FBpp0218895
Drosophila erecta DEREC 3 FBpp0134953, FBpp0131710, FBpp0139057
Drosophila yakuba DYAKU 3 FBpp0259577, FBpp0264496, FBpp0258654
Drosophila virilis DVIRI 3 FBpp0229390, FBpp0227976, FBpp0234019
Drosophila mojavensis DMOJA 3 FBpp0161081, FBpp0163248, FBpp0168825
Drosophila grimshawi DGRIM 4 FBpp0148668, FBpp0148669, FBpp0157857, FBpp0154331
Lucilia cuprina LCUPR 6 KNC24836, KNC34978, KNC28079, KNC29658, KNC24835, KNC24833
Musca domestica MDOME 3 MDOA002408-PA, MDOA007941-PA, MDOA002160-PA
Stomoxys calcitrans SCALC 3 SCAU004345-PA, SCAU012107-PA, SCAU008337-PA
Glossina brevipalpis GBREV 4 GBRI030182-PA, GBRI028055-PA, GBRI020728-PA, GBRI003791-PA
Glossina palpalis GPALP 4 GPPI023839-PA, GPPI001397-PA, GPPI001174-PA, GPPI049838-PA
Glossina austeni GAUST 4 GAUT015374-PA, GAUT000462-PA, GAUT019292-PA, GAUT029840-PA
Glossina pallidipes GPALL 4 GPAI026950-PA, GPAI031812-PA, GPAI018390-PA, GPAI002879-PA
Glossina morsitans GMORS 4 GMOY010869-PA, GMOY003850-PA, GMOY011744-PA, GMOY010312-PA

Gene tree

Chironomidae-wide analysis

The Orthogroup for the longest transcript (g7303.t1) is OG0000845. Other genes in this orthogroup contains the following. [This data uses ab initio gene models predicted in Yoshida et al 2022, so most genes are not registered in public databases. Please contact the authors for more information on these data.]


Organism Abb. ID Ortholog ID
Podonomus sp PODON TRINITY_DN3588_c0_g1_i15.p1, TRINITY_DN3120_c0_g1_i21.p1, TRINITY_DN14411_c0_g1_i11.p1, TRINITY_DN3457_c0_g1_i1.p1
Parochlus steinenii PSTEI PSG02981, PSG07758, PSG03572
Trissopelopia nemorum TNEMO TRINITY_DN425_c1_g5_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN1588_c0_g5_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN1588_c0_g3_i1.p1
Paraheptagyia tonnoiri PTONN TRINITY_DN219_c0_g6_i2.p1, TRINITY_DN1414_c0_g1_i3.p1
Telmatogeton pecinata TPECI TRINITY_DN2094_c0_g2_i6.p1, TRINITY_DN426_c0_g5_i2.p1, TRINITY_DN0_c7811_g1_i1.p1
Cricotopus draysoni CDRAY TRINITY_DN18666_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN90315_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN20845_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN5583_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN30064_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN26588_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN35332_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN47165_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN91589_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN12027_c1_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN14663_c1_g1_i1.p2, TRINITY_DN59628_c0_g1_i1.p1
Clunio marinus CMARI none
Cardiocladius sp CARDI TRINITY_DN296_c0_g1_i1.p1
Belgica antarctica BANTA IU25_00863-mRNA-1
Kiefferophyes invenustulus KINVE TRINITY_DN74230_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN816_c0_g1_i6.p1, TRINITY_DN39158_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN17500_c0_g2_i4.p1, TRINITY_DN682_c0_g1_i4.p1, TRINITY_DN67301_c0_g1_i1.p1
Chironomus riparius CRIPA g12597.t1, g1221.t1
Chironomus columbiensis CCOLU TRINITY_DN81795_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN1500_c0_g1_i3.p1, TRINITY_DN22148_c0_g1_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN1500_c0_g2_i5.p1, TRINITY_DN17996_c0_g1_i7.p1, TRINITY_DN7944_c0_g1_i4.p1
Chironomus tentans CTENT g13450.t1, g12187.t1
Chironomus dilutus CDILU TRINITY_DN5563_c0_g3_i1.p1, TRINITY_DN633_c0_g1_i7.p1
Polypedilum nubifer PNUBI Pn.05999, Pn.10307
Polypedilum vanderplanki PVAND g14776.t1, g7303.t1
Polypedilum pembai PPEMB g13193.t1, g11511.t1
Culicoides sonorensis CSONO CSON003846-1, CSON002229-1
Aedes aegypti lvpagwg AAEGYL AAEL025769-PA, AAEL007065-PA
Anopheles gambiae AGAMB AGAP012014-PA, AGAP002931-PA

Gene tree

Expression profile for this gene

Gene-level expression profile

Raw TPM values

Expression profile of isoforms

A heatmap representing isoforms with TPM > 0 in at least one sample. Expression profiles were are clustered based on the spearman correlation